Smile more and frown less!Author Marilyn L. Rice

No one knows your capabilities don’t let them set your boundariesVioletta Joseph

C.S. Lewis said, “Start t the beginning, go to the end, and stop,” but I prefer in medias res: jump right into the thick of your story.Christopher Crosby Morris

Always listen to free advice. There are three good reasons to do so. First, it doesn’t cost you anything to listen. Second, it makes the person giving the advice feel good when you listen. Third – and this is most important – you never know when it just might be good advice.D.H. Rayborn

Write the story that you want to share with the world – whether that story is your own tale or one fabricated to use parallels as a lesson for those living beside you in reality.Sarah Katz

Never be put down by criticism. If you can’t take someone saying your stuff needs more work, you won’t make a good author.Thomas Wrightson