
List of famous Cambridge Books
27760 Books

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British Business in the Formative Years of European Integration, 1945-1973 (Cambridge Studies in the Emergence of Global Enterprise)
Neil Rollings
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A History of Nerve Functions: From Animal Spirits to Molecular Mechanisms
Sidney Ochs
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The East India Company and Religion, 1698-1858 (Worlds of the East India Company)
Penelope Carson
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Romanticism in the Shadow of War: Literary Culture in the Napoleonic War Years (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism)
Jeffrey N. Cox
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The Protestant Ethic Debate: Weber's Replies to His Critics, 1907-1910 (Liverpool University Press - Studies in European Regional Cultures)

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The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry (Cambridge Companions to Literature)

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First Exposure to a Second Language: Learners' Initial Input Processing

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p-adic Differential Equations (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Vol. 125)
Kiran S. Kedlaya
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British Romanticism and Spanish America, 1777-1826: Rewriting Conquest (Edinburgh Critical Studies in Transatlantic Literature)
Rebecca Cole Heinowitz
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A Natural History of Pragmatism: The Fact of Feeling from Jonathan Edwards to Gertrude Stein (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture)
Joan Richardson
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After Bush: The Case for Continuity in American Foreign Policy
Timothy J. Lynch, Robert S. Singh
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The Rise and Fall of State-Owned Enterprise in the Western World (Comparative Perspectives in Business History)

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China, the United States, and Global Order
Rosemary Foot, Andrew Walter
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A History of Russian Thought

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Dimensions of Register Variation: A Cross-Linguistic Comparison
Douglas Biber
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The State of the Nation: Ernest Gellner and the Theory of Nationalism

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Evolutionary Biology and Conservation of Titis, Sakis and Uacaris (Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology)

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The Heart of Judgment: Practical Wisdom, Neuroscience, and Narrative
Leslie Paul Thiele