Ghost Boat / Dan Gillcrist,

Book Cover Ghost Boat
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/ Dan Gillcrist,
Publisher: XLIBRIS
Sales Rank: 4361064
ISBN-10: 1479731897
ISBN-13: 9781479731893

This is a story about a topic very rarely written about - the sinking of a submarine in relatively shallow water and having a compartment survive with crew members still alive. It is divided into several parts, Aboard the Discovery Ship, about finding a WWII Navy submarine sunk off the Mid Atlantic Coast in 1942. Aboard Cutterfish, all about the crew and their lives. Aboard U-136 about the German crew and their mission. The Engagement about the very short battle between the two submarines. Finally 550 Feet of Water about the three surviving crew members writing a log which they hoped someone would find one day about how they spent the final hours of their lives.
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