Stephen Arroyo's Chart Interpretation Handbook: Guidelines for Understanding the Essentials of the Birth Chart / Arroyo, Stephen

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/ Arroyo, Stephen
Publisher: CRCS Publications
Availability:Available for download now.
Sales Rank: 179887

This book focuses on precise, in-depth language that shows the reader how to think astrologically in a way that never loses sight of the basic principles and reliable meanings being considered. Those trying to learn astrology, especially as a self-help method for understanding deeper needs and motivations, have long been frustrated by the lack of a quick-reference handbook that penetrates to the essential truths that people immediately identify with. Now, this pioneering work fills the need for accessible, accurate guidelines that help one gain greater understanding of oneself and others. This widely-popular book shows how to combine key principles and interpretative phrases in a way that illuminates the meanings of the planets, signs, houses and aspects emphasized in any birth chart.
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