This book was written by 13 homicidal maniacs! I am talking dangerous, people. I am surprised anyone would actually allow them to have pens. These deviants make the Marquis de Sade look like Fred Rogers on Novocain, walking around in a cardigan giving out hugs and proclaiming, "I love everyone!" Now, of course these 13 writers are not really psychos, unless you listen to the hard-headed protestors out there who would swear differently. You know the ones who believe anyone that enjoys the horror genre are obviously disturbed individuals capable of unspeakable acts of depravity. If you have picked up this book, then you must be one of us. You may not know why, but the stuff that goes bump in the night has always held a strong grip on you, and you are drawn to it like a death's head moth to a flame. Well, you are in luck. Post-Mortem Press has collected a macabre tome of short horror fiction that is as diverse as it is frightening. This is a buffet of terror- so grab your fork and butcher knife and let's dig in! Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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