"My most beloved brothers, and father, With Mother's death and the threat of Ciatlllait's dark powers looming, I am not sure I am strong enough to save you. But I will try. War is coming. I am just one girl. I feel so small, but I will try to draw strength from Mother's final words: You are never alone." --Aowyn One vow. One curse. One thousand moons. While Princess Aowyn's six brothers are favored by their father, Aowyn is the jewel in her mother's crown. When the Queen dies, Aowyn takes a vow to protect her brothers and father from the hungry eyes of the queen's handmaiden, Ciatlllait - who is more than she seems. In order to save her family, Aowyn risks a dangerous deal with the dark creature Sylas Mortas. But magic comes with a price: and Aowyn soon realizes the one she has paid is too steep. Only true love can reverse the spell...but it will take one thousand moons. Set in a Celtic world, "Moonlight" is the story of faith and true love woven through a breathtaking retelling of the classic folktale "The Swan Princess" Now you can buy Books online in USA,UK, India and more than 100 countries.
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